Legal notices
ESG : Environment, Social and Governance
ESG LEADER / IMPACT : best practice in terms of social and environmental responsibility (SER) / A significant share of the solutions and services offered have a generally positive impact in responding to global challenges.
ESG STRONG PERFORMER / IMPACT : recognises sustainability issues and is implementing cutting-edge SER policies / Innovative solutions and services with a generally positive impact in responding to global challenges.
CHALLENGER : positive steps to adapt in recognition of sustainability issues. These companies are often candidates for promotion to the categories above.
FOLLOWER : significant controversies and/or seemingly failing to manage environmental and social issues satisfactorily and/or with governance that presents a significant risk for shareholders.
LAGGARD : active in sectors excluded by Ethos, involved in major controversies or failing to meet minimum standards in SER and governance matters.

We are at your disposal if you want to ask us a question or find out more about our solutions.