Frequently Asked Questions

What is the legal form of Clartan Associés?

Clartan Associés is a Société de Gestion de Portefeuille (SGP), approved the by Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) since 27 July 1990, under registration number GP-90095 (general registration).

An SGP is an investment services provider whose main business is investment management for third parties (individual management under mandate or collective management through UCITS).

Who owns Clartan Associés ?

The company is wholly-owned by active of former partners in Clartan Associés or their families; no shareholder owns more than 35% of capital.

What is a SICAV ?

A SICAV (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable) is a limited company whose purpose is to offer its shareholders the ability to benefit from the professional management of portfolios of transferable securities or other financial assets as defined in the investment policy of each of its compartments.

It issues or repurchases its shares on demand from investors at buy or sell prices which it is required to publish daily and which correspond to the value of invested assets.

Thanks to its legal form, a SICAV gives its shareholders control over its management through a Board of Directors and a General Meeting of shareholders.

Why a Luxembourg SICAV?

The Luxembourg financial market is the heart of the euro zone for the registration and administration of investment funds: it derives its reputation from its strong culture of investor protection, in turn based on its considerable political, regulatory and social stability.

Holders of shares in a SICAV thus benefit from the best international standards for the activities of custodian banks, achieved thanks to the specialisation in this area of the local financial services industry.

Do the funds benefit from tax reductions as a function of the length of the investment period?

As a function of their history, fund classes – with the exception of Clartan Patrimoine – may be eligible for tax reductions relating to the length of the investment period.

Please contact us for more details.

Are funds eligible for PEA accounts?

Clartan Europe and Clartan Ethos ESG Europe Small et Mid Cap are eligible for inclusion in a PEA account.

What is the listing currency for the funds?

Funds managed by Clartan Associés are exclusively listed in euros.

What is the pricing frequency; where can one find net asset value figures?

Net asset values of funds managed by Clartan Associés are published daily. They are available on our website, on Bloomberg and on the main financial information websites.

What is the minimum investment?

The minimum investment for any of our funds is the net asset value of one share.

Can I buy or sell shares through the website?

The is not a transactional website, but serves to provide information.

Our funds are available through the main brokerage websites.

What information is available on the funds and how often is it published?

A monthly report on each fund is published on our website. It includes:

  • a commentary on the management of the fund over the previous month
  • performance data
  • analysis of investments by country, sector and size of company
  • the five largest investments
  • main changes (acquisitions and disposals) over the month

A more detailed quarterly report is mailed to Clartan Associés’ direct clients. An annual management report is also provided to Clartan Associés’ clients.

In which countries is the Clartan SICAV approved?

The compartments of the Clartan SICAV are authorised for distribution in the following countries: Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Austria.