Legal information

SAS with capital of €2,142,491

SIRET: 339 485 161 00097

Registered offices: 11, avenue Myron Herrick 75008 Paris

Portfolio management company approved by the AMF on 27 July 1990 under number GP 90095 is designed by Point Ligne Plan and hosted by OVH.

Point Ligne Plan :

OVH : is designed by Point Ligne Plan and hosted by OVH.

Point Ligne Plan :


2- Purpose of the website

The site is to provide information about Clartan Associés. The visitor acknowledges that he or she has had the opportunity to read the legal notices by browsing the site. Clartan Associés does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this site.
It is not about a transactional site.
The information contained on this website does not constitute an offer of products or services that can be assimilated to a public call for savings or an activity of prospecting or soliciting for the purchase or sale of transferable securities or any other portfolio management or investment product.
The information provided is subject to change at any time by Clartan Associés in accordance with prevailing regulations.

3- Performances

Past performances are not indicative of future performances, vary over time.

4- Personal Data Protection Policy:

Clartan Associés is likely to use all or part of the personal data of the persons concerned in order to offer products and services adapted to the proper functioning of its activity. Clartan Associés undertakes to keep the personal data imposed for the necessary period, to respect its legal obligations and takes all the necessary security measures to protect the personal data against any violation. For more details, please consult our personal data protection policy in the “REGULATORY INFORMATION” section of the website.

5- Disclaimer and restrictions on access to this website:

Access to the products and services presented on this website may be subject to restrictions applicable to certain persons or certain countries. This is notably the case for investors in the United States or United Kingdom, who are subject to specific legislation. Additionally, the UCITS presented on this website can only be subscribed to in those jurisdictions in which their distribution or promotion is authorised.
Clartan Associés recommends that all interested persons first assure that they are legally authorised to subscribe to the products and/or services presented on this website.

6- Intellectual property

The intellectual property rights relating to documents contained on the site and all of the items created for this site are the exclusive property of Clartan Associés.
The reproduction of any documents published on the site is only authorised for information purposes for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes is expressly forbidden. This site has been declared to the National Commission for Data Protection (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés), applying the provisions set forth in the French Law of the 6th of January 1978. According to this law, you have the right to access, check and remove personal data concerning yourself. To exercise your rights, you simply need to write to the following address:
Clartan Associés
11, avenue Myron Herrick
75008 Paris